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Ghazwa E Tabook



The Battle of Tabuk (Arabic: غَزوَة تَبوك) is the last Ghazwa of the Prophet (s). It occurred During Rajab and Sha'ban of the 9/630 in the locale of Tabuk. As the Prophet (s) was making a beeline for Tabuk to battle Romans, a portion of the colleagues, explicitly Munafiqun (charlatans), wouldn't join the military or attempted to debilitate the resolve of the military. Prior to the campaign, the Prophet (s) named Imam 'Ali (a) as his replacement in Medina in his nonattendance. After a short delay of not many days, the multitude of Islam returned to Medina from Tabuk with no real encounter with Romans. A few refrains were uncovered about Munafiqun uncovering them and their mystery expectations and plans.




The vast majority of the works by early biographers contain records of the undertaking of Tabuk. Be that as it may, these portrayals vary on some significant components like the reason for this expedition.According to a celebrated record, the Prophet's objective of this campaign was to counter the Romans' military exercises in those lands


Accepting News from Syria


It's been portrayed that the Nabataeans who might head out to Medina to sell flour and oil, would likewise illuminate Muslims about the most recent news regarding Syria; thusly, the Muslims of Medina were continually mindful of the circumstance in Syria.


At some point, a Nabataean shipper said that Heraclius, at that point the Roman lord, had arranged an incredible armed force by persuading some Arab clans like Lakhm, Judham, Ghassan, and 'Amila. Bleeding edge troops had just stayed outdoors in Balqa', northern Tabuk; and the Roman lord was in Homs.[2] In different records, without referencing this story, it's just been accounted for that the Prophet (s) left Medina to battle Romans.[3] Al-Ya'qubi accepts the point of the Prophet (s) in this military campaign had been to render the retribution for killing Ja'far b. Abi Talib.


Exercises of Hypocrites


After the Prophet (s) uncovered his expectations to battle Romans, a portion of the Sahaba (his associates), exceptionally the Munafiqun (the fakers) would not join the military or attempted to debilitate the resolve of other soldiers.[5] It can be accepted that the extraordinary accentuation on going to this military endeavor had been more a strategy of the Prophet (s) to uncover some of Munafiqun and the truth behind their exercises in Medina, than a reaction to a Roman danger. There are authentic signs that may uphold this view, for example, the broad endeavors of Munafiqun to debilitate the resolve of Muslim fighters, arming of 'Abd Allah b. Ubay powers against the Muslim Army[6] and dependent on one record, an endeavor on the Prophet's life on his way back from Tabuk by some of Munafiqun.




The Prophet (s) needed to rush the development of the military however there were issues, for example, the blistering climate, long distanceو and the destitution of a portion of the Companions; to the point that this campaign has been alluded to as: Jaysh al-'Usr (the multitude of hardship).[9] That is the reason the Prophet (s), in contrast to other military undertakings, unmistakably clarified his goals and points to get his kin decidedly ready. He initially stayed outdoors in Thanyyat al-Wida' close to Medina and afterward left toward Roman outskirts, toward the north, in a multitude of in excess of 30,000 soldiers.


Ali (a), the Successor of the Prophet (s)


Prior to leaving Medina, the Prophet (s) designated Imam 'Ali (a) as his replacement in Medina. Munafiqun who had made arrangements for revolt, respected the presence of Imam 'Ali (a) in Medina as a significant obstruction in their way; subsequently they began their publicity against him. They said "the Prophet (s) isn't satisfied with 'Ali, that is the reason he has left him in Medina". The impact of such promulgation was to the direct that all together toward obstruct it, 'Ali (a) met the Prophet (s) in Jurf, some place close to Median, and the Prophet (s) disclosed to him an expression as per which, the sort of connection between the Prophet (s) and 'Ali (a) is that of among Moses and Aaron, with the exemption that there won't be any prophethood after the Prophet Muhammad (s). This portrayal, which later picked up the title: Hadith al-Manzila (the maxim of the Position), has been reported in conventional assortments through various chains of transmission. Also, this Prophetic saying has been refered to as one of the conclusive confirmations for the prompt progression of Imam 'Ali after the Prophet (s). Interestingly, this was against the exercises of Munafiqun not long after the Prophet (s) had left Medina for a long excursion.


In Tabuk


After certain days, the Muslim armed force arrived at Tabuk region and remained there for twenty days. There, in light of al-Waqidi's report, it turned out to be evident that the reports about the Roman military campaign had not been correct.] However, in view of different records, the Roman ruler sent some agents to the Prophet (s) whom were sympathetically invited by the Prophet (s).Meanwhile, the Prophet (s) marked a truce on the state of getting jizya from Ukaydir b. 'Abd al-Malik al-Kindi, the head of Dumat al-Jandal, and the occupants of Adruh, Jirba, and Ayla.




The Prophet got back to Medina in the Ramadan of 9/630.] He acknowledged the reasons of the individuals who had wouldn't join the Army and made istighfar (demand Allah's absolution) for them. Notwithstanding, he requested Muslims cut their relations with three of them; who were excused after disclosure of sections 117 and 118 of Sura al-Tawba.


Ka'b b. Malik, Marara b. Rabi' and Hilal b. Umayya were under social and familial blacklist. They were not charlatans, in any event, when the ruler of Ghassanid sent them a letter to advise them about plans regarding Muslims' restrictions about them, they got bothered. They at last isolated from one another and made atonement (Tawba) which was acknowledged by God after fifty days.


Death Attempt against Prophet Muhammad (s) in 'Aqaba


In transit back to Medina, some attempted to kill Prophet Muhammad (s). God educated the Prophet (s) and he told Hudhayfa and 'Ammar b. Yasir to go with him. The deceivers who were concealing their faces attempted to unnerve the camel of Prophet Muhammad (s), however Hudhayfa defied them and they ran away. Then Prophet (s) uncovered the names of those scoundrels to Hudhayfa and 'Ammar b. Yasir.


Hudhayfa asked Prophet Muhammad (s) to send somebody to kill them, however Prophet (s) cannot and stated: "I don't need individuals to state, Prophet figured out how to accomplish triumph by the help of his men, presently he is murdering them."


Divine News for Prophet Muhammad (s)


At the point when the camel of Prophet Muhammad (s) was lost in transit, a few people satirically stated, Prophet (s) who delineate for us 'Ilm al-ghayb, doesn't know about the area of his camel. Prophet stated: "The facts demonstrate that I enlighten you concerning divine information which I am mindful simply because God gives me the information about them." Gabriel carried news to Prophet Muhammad (s) and educated him about the area regarding his camel. Muslims went there and found the camel.


In another occurrence, When Muslim soldiers were resting, they saw a man from distance who was strolling toward them. Prophet Muhammad (s) stated: "I trust he is Abu Dhar al-Ghifari." Prophet (s) was told, by God he is Abu Dhar. At that point Prophet (s) stated: "May God favor Abu Dhar; he strolls alone, he passes on alone and he will be restored alone." And it occurred, as he was banished to Rabadha in the hour of 'Uthman b. 'Affan and he died there in loneliness.

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