The word Jihad is not synonymous with “Holy War” which is what the Western media wants everyone to believe. In fact Holy War does not mean Jihad. This word „holy war‟ was first used by the Christian crusaders who spread the religion at the point of a sword. And now it‟s used for the muslims unfortunately. Because „holy war‟, in Arabic if you translate means ال حرب ال م قد سة Harbun mukkaddasa. The word Harbun mukkaddasa doesn‟t appear anywhere in the Quran neither in the sayings of the Prophet.
Types of Jihad
- The first type of jihad is to struggle against one's own self and desires.
- The second type of jihad is to struggle against the temptation of Satan.
- The third type of jihad is to struggle against the disbelievers.
- The fourth type of jihad is to struggle against the hypocrites.
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